How to Draw a Cursive L
How to Draw a Bird From a Cursive "L"
What can you do with the letter "L"? You can draw a bird! It's easy to do, and you don't need any special drawing skills to learn how. Just follow the simple steps below to learn how to draw a soaring Swift, a diving Swift, and a Parrot from the cursive letter L.
Birds Drawn From the Cursive Letter L
Directions For Drawing a Diving Swift From a Cursive "L"
A Swift is a high-flying bird that gets its name from its "swift" flying speed. They have small feet and short legs, and almost never land on the ground or on horizontal surfaces. Swifts prefer to land for short periods of time on vertical surfaces, so you usually see them soaring and diving at swift speeds.
Step 1
To draw the diving Swift, begin by drawing the letter L in cursive.
Plain Cursive L
![An ordinary cursive L](
An ordinary cursive L
Step 2
Next, draw an eye and a beak in the lower loop of the cursive "L".
Diving Swift - Cursive L to Bird Drawing: Eye and Beak
![Add an eye and a beak](
Add an eye and a beak
Step 3
Add wings by drawing a curved line from the end of the L to the upper loop. Draw another curved line from the beginning of the L to the intersection between the L's downward stroke and the line of the lower loop.
Diving Swift - Cursive L to Bird Drawing: Wings
![Add wings](
Add wings
Step 4
Next, add tail feathers around the upper loop of the L.
Diving Swift - Cursive L to Bird Drawing:Tail Feathers
![Add tail feathers](
Add tail feathers
Step 5
Finally, make the body of the Swift by drawing a short curved line at the bird's neck, and another short curved line just behind the forward wing to the tail.
Congratulations! You've drawn a diving Swift from a cursive letter "L"!
Diving Swift - Cursive L to Bird Drawing: Body
![Add a body, and now you have a Swift flying downward.](
Add a body, and now you have a Swift flying downward.
Drawing a Soaring Swift From a Cursive "L"
Now that you've drawn the diving Swift, try drawing the soaring Swift.
Step 1
First, begin by drawing a cursive letter "L".
Plain Cursive L
![Draw a plain cursive L](
Draw a plain cursive L
Step 2
Next, draw the eye and beak in the upper loop of the L.
Soaring Swift - Cursive L to Bird Drawing: Eye and Beak
![Add a eye and beak](
Add a eye and beak
Scroll to Continue
Step 3
Draw wings by adding a curved line from the end of the L to the neck of the upper loop. Draw another curved line from the beginning of the L to the top of the lower loop.
Soaring Swift - Cursive L to Bird Drawing: Wings
![Add wings](
Add wings
Step 4
Draw tail feathers around the lower loop. This time, I made the tail look a little more fancy.
Soaring Swift - Cursive L to Bird Drawing: Tail Feathers
![Add tail feathers.](
Add tail feathers.
Step 5
Finally, make the body. Draw a short curve to connect the upper loop to the forward wing. Draw a short curve to connect the tail feather to the forward wing.
Congratulations! You've drawn a soaring Swift!
Soaring Swift - Cursive L to Bird Drawing: Body
![Add body, and now you have a soaring Swift](
Add body, and now you have a soaring Swift
Drawing a Parrot From a Cursive Letter "L"
Now we'll draw our last bird, a parrot, from the letter "L." This drawing suggests a parrot perched on a tree branch.
Step 1
Begin by drawing a plain cursive L.
Plain Cursive L
![Draw a plain cursive L](
Draw a plain cursive L
Step 2
Next, add a large eye and a beak in the upper loop of the L. For the parrot, we'll draw a large beak so that the top part of the beak is larger than the bottom part.
Parrot - Cursive L to Bird Drawing: Eye and Beak
![Add an eye and a beak](
Add an eye and a beak
Step 3
Draw a large curve to make the body of the parrot. The curve goes from the upper loop of the L to the bottom stroke of the L.
Parrot - Cursive L to Bird Drawing: Body
![Add a body](
Add a body
Step 4
Draw a few loops to make tail feathers around the bottom loop of the L.
Parrot - Cursive L to Bird Drawing: Tail Feathers
![Add tail feathers](
Add tail feathers
Step 5
For the forward wing, draw a short, slightly curved line from the beginning of the L to the bottom of the L's downward stroke, just before it curves to create the bottom loop. For the back wing, draw two short lines to make a part of a triangle. The back wing begins at the intersection of the upper loop, and ends at about the middle of the top line of the forward wing.
Parrot - Cursive L to Bird Drawing: Wings
![Add wings](
Add wings
Step 6
Finally, draw short, curved lines from the bottom of the parrot's body and across the lower stroke of the L. This makes the parrot's feet curving around a "branch."
Congratulations! You've drawn a parrot from a cursive letter "L"!
Parrot - Cursive L to Bird Drawing: Feet
![Add feet](
Add feet
KA Hanna (author) from America's Finest City on December 31, 2012:
You must do it, you simply must!
theSwordLibrary on December 31, 2012:
Interesting! I suddenly have the urge to turn all the 'L's in the 1000-word essay I'm working on into birds.
KA Hanna (author) from America's Finest City on December 22, 2012:
Thanks for stopping by!
Chace from Charlotte, NC on December 21, 2012:
This is so cute!
Alison Graham from UK on December 03, 2012:
Thank you for a great hub, I love the step by step illustrations - I can't wait for my grandson to come over in the Christmas holidays, I am going to get him to try some out, cut them out, decorate them and use them as tree decorations - we will have a lot of fun with these! Voted up and interesting!
KA Hanna (author) from America's Finest City on November 26, 2012:
I might have to try that! Falcon would be cool.
Karen S Falcon from Las Vegas, NV on November 26, 2012:
tee hee. What a cute silly hub! This would come in handy for Falcon, but now you have to draw it all over again with my bird of prey beak :-)
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